Year Four-52 weeks Online Tests

Expertly curated web Coaching for
CEM & GL Assessment exams.
52 weeks Online Program
Follows "simple to Complex Methodology"
Four tests per week, Each 30 Mins
Instant results with a detailed explanations.
Maths: Wide Coverage of Numbers,Shape and Space, Handling Data and Measurements.
English: Comprehension,Spelling,Punctuation, Sentance structure,Grammer, Vocabulary,Literacy
Verbal Reasoning
Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR)
£225* for 52 Weeks (Yearly) Shop Now
£130* for 26 Weeks (Half Year) Shop Now
£30* for 5 Weeks (Monthly) Shop Now
Year Five -52 Weeks Online Tests

Expertly curated web Coaching for
CEM & GL Assessment exams.
52 weeks Online Program
Follows "simple to Complex Methodology"
Four tests per week, Each 40 Mins
Instant results with a detailed explanations.
Maths: Wide Coverage of Numbers,Shape and Space, Handling Data and Measurements.
English: Comprehension,Spelling,Punctuation, Sentance structure,Grammer, Vocabulary,Literacy
Verbal Reasoning
Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR)
£249* for 52 Weeks (Yearly) Shop Now
£140* for 26 Weeks (Half Year) Shop Now
£30* for 5 Weeks (Monthly) Shop Now
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